About Us


The founder of Redify is Victor Okoh, a research scientist and professor who spent 15 years studying the link between estrogenic chemicals and breast cancer.

When his twin daughters were seven years old, they were diagnosed with precocious puberty, a risk factor for breast cancer. Victor later found out that the same chemicals used to induce tumors in mice were also used to formulate products intended for children, and these chemicals may have contributed to his twins’ precocious puberty at just 7 years old.

This led him and his wife, Stella, to become avid readers of ingredient labels. However, Googling ingredients before purchase proved impractical. Thus, they created Redify, an app that helps avoid products with toxic ingredients and empowers users to advocate for safer products.


Mission Statement

Twin standing on the road


CHCs are man-made chemicals that have been scientifically linked to various diseases and conditions, such as cancer, infertility, and developmental defects. These chemicals can be found in food, medicines, cosmetics, personal care products, household goods, and garden products. Despite this, over 95% of the 80,000 chemicals used in consumer products have never been tested for health and safety.

Redify’s research scientists have compiled a database of over 2,000 scientifically verified CHCs used in consumer products worldwide, and the app allows users to educate themselves and make informed choices about what they buy. Users can also use the app to lobby manufacturers to change their product formulations to include less harmful ingredients.


Redify’s CHC scoring criteria are based solely on the amount of CHC present in a product, and the determination of whether an ingredient is CHC or not is based on the authoritative scientific evidence compiled by ewg.org and from other data sources. 

The choice of whether or not to purchase a product based on CHC status is entirely up to the users of the app. The products featured in the ALTERNATIVE section of Redify are paid advertisements, and we get commissions on purchases made on Amazon or other affiliate referrals.


It’s important to note that labeled CHCs in product formulations are allowable under current US laws, but some of these same CHCs may not be allowable in certain states or countries. Some CHCs that are allowable in the US may be banned or use-restricted in other states or countries.